About Us
The Renters Council was formed in purpose of the Council is to act as a driving force in the development of a tenants’ rights and protections agenda within the Democratic Party for the benefit of the 18 million Californian renters.
Renters make up half of all Californians, but are underrepresented in the State Assembly and State Senate, with just a handful of renters among 120 state legislators.
We became a Statewide Chartered Organization of the California Democratic Party in 2020. Our activities include:
Holding candidate forums and endorsing candidates and ballot measures
Working with tenant organizations to support tenant protection and affordable housing legislation
Connecting tenant advocates with lawmakers
Getting tenants out to vote and educating candidates and County Central Committees on how to get out the vote with our #RentersVote campaign to increase voter turnout
Events at the California Democratic Party Convention and Executive Board Meetings