Rescinding our endorsement of Salvador Solorio-Ruiz

In 2020, Salvador Solorio-Ruiz applied for the California Democratic Renters Council's endorsement when he was first running for Delano City Council.  As part of the endorsement, he completed our candidate questionnaire, which included questions on rent control, as well as Prop 21, a ballot measure that would allow cities to expand rent control to more types of buildings.

In response to "What is your stance on Prop 21?", Sal's answer was "We need to vote yes on prop 21. Rent is too damn high."  In response to "What is your stance on rent control?" he answered "I believe that Housing is a human right. Delano needs to establish a max rent rate with the acknowledgment of the living wages that is provided in Delano."  These are both strong positions in support of rent control, and were a significant reason that our members voted to endorse him.  Also in response to the question "What Tenant/Housing groups support you?" Sal answered "Lack of tenant advocate groups in Delano. If elected, we would work to expand our tenant housing groups for all." 

Now that rent control is currently being proposed in Delano, we are disappointed to see that Vice Mayor Sal Solorio-Ruiz has not only refused to vote to implement rent control, but claims that he had never heard of rent control until a few weeks ago.  This is a false statement. Sal also stated he never said he would support Rent Control during the Delano City Council meeting on April 3rd, 2023.  This is also clearly a false statement.

For these reasons, the Renters Council is rescinding our endorsement and will not be supporting Salvador Solorio-Ruiz in the upcoming 2024 election.  We do not take this decision lightly, but felt that it is necessary to hold elected officials accountable to pledges they have made to voters.  

PDF of Letter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IE0slvB8LhNzJm3bO0kuhNp7lW0wU33c/view?usp=sharing

Renters Council Post - Election Membership Meeting - Thursday, Nov. 17, 8pm:  Online at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlde-grTItH9D7-P2y7fdFvNwNvb94BOkz

We will have a recap of the election results, hear from some of our endorsed candidates and ballot measure campaigns, and discuss some of the upcoming special elections.  For the rest of the CA Democratic Party E-Board conference schedule, please visit https://cadem.org/executive-board/

Apply Now to run to be a CADEM Delegate: Candidate registration is open now through December 9, 2022 to run to be a California Democratic Party Delegate.  14 delegates will be elected from each Assembly District in the ADEM (Assembly District Election Meeting).  ADEM delegates make up around 1/3 of all party delegates, and vote on party endorsements, serve on committees, and more.  Renters make up half of all Californians - let's make sure we're represented in the party!

Renters Reception with the Alameda Labor Council and Housing is a Human Right.

Saturday, July 9, 2:30-5pm.   El Cholo, 1037 Flower Street, Los Angeles.  Indoor location. Food and drink provided.

Online Membership Meeting

Wednesday, July 6, 2022, 5:30-7pm - Click Here For Meeting Minutes, see below for video

AHF, Housing is a Human Right, Rent Control, and the Adaptive Reuse Model

The CDP Renters Council applauds AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and its housing advocacy division, Housing is a Human Right (HHR), which has for many years, championed rent control, and worked to preserve rent-controlled housing besides help produce over 1400 units of housing for extremely low income renters through adaptive reuse (rehabbing older buildings) in Los Angeles (more than the entire City of Los Angeles has created since the 2016 passage of Proposition HHH).

AHF sponsored two state Propositions (10 and 21) to allow local communities to enact and expand rent control in CA and has formed a national coalition to lift the ban on rent control in several states.

AHF aligns with Tenant Orgs, holds the strong belief that California’s housing crisis can only be resolved be the preservation of existing housing; protection of tenants; and production of accessible and affordable housing.

AHF /HHR ran a successful campaign to persuade the State of CA to allocate over $5 billion in rental assistance to those behind on rent from COVID 19. As a result,tenants across California were able to stay in their homes during the pandemic.

AHF has also provided grants to many tenant organizations throughout CA, including Central Valley’s rural communities, and the country to run tenant rights clinics, expand rent control and lift local bans on it, and expand statewide and local eviction moratoria which have kept millions of tenants in their homes during the worst of the pandemic.

As low-income tenants continue to face high rents, eviction, and homelessness, AHF continues to be aligned with and support the Renters Council in stopping tenant displacement, gentrification, and skyrocketing rents.

AHF is currently in the process of building over 200 units of housing for extremely low income tenants in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles.

In addition to its housing work, AHF provides healthcare for 1.5 million patients in 45 countries throughout the world and runs food banks through its Food for Health program, providing fresh, organic produce, eggs and other healthy food for thousands of low income people every month.

For all of these reasons and more, the California Democratic Renters Council stand in solidarity with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Housing is a Human Right and profoundly appreciates its longstanding championship of these crucial causes that have kept and continue to keep Californians housed.

2022 Primary Election Endorsements

The first round of Renters Council candidate forums for State Assembly & State Senate elections will begin on January 22.  The candidate forums will be followed by an endorsement vote.  Exact dates and times will be announced once candidates are scheduled.  The Board is currently identifying elections the Council will endorse in, focusing on open seats as well as elections where a pro-renter candidate is running. 

We aim to have a preliminary list in early/mid of elections we will be endorsing in, and will add additional elections / candidate forums as needed.  

Pasadena Rent Control Campaign

Pasadena Tenant Justice Coalition is currently gathering signatures for a Rent Control ballot measure. At our November 16 membership meeting, the membership voted to authorize the board to contribute $500 to the campaign.  Today, after reviewing our budget, the board approved the $500 contribution.  Members are also encouraged to contribute individually to the campaign.

Renew Your Membership for 2022

Annual Dues for 2022 can be paid at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/carent2022

For those requesting a fee waiver, the form for that is here: https://forms.gle/JUawG8JFnAYyCS43A

Homes 4 Families, Not 4 Profits: Call Legislators About AB1199 Corporate Landlord Tax & AB854 Ellis Act Reform

Housing Now has organized two phonebanks:- Jan 5 (register here) and Jan 6 (register here)

Join our twitterstorm and social media campaign to educate lawmakers about AB1199 & 854. Social Media Toolkit here.

Assembly Bill 1199 taxes corporate landlords and requires they register their properties so large real estate monopolies cannot hide from accountability.  

Assembly Bill 854 is a bill to limit when the Ellis Act can be used. Families in rent controlled homes are regularly evicted using the Ellis Act by new owners looking to spike future rents. AB 854 requires 5 years of ownership before a new landlord can use the Ellis Act to evict and exit the rental business.

Email and call key legislators now

AB854/AB1199 Day of Action in Sacramento - January 19, 2022

The Housing Now coalition is organizing a lobby day at the Capitol on Jan.19th. They will provide food and can also help pay or arrange for flights for folks who can join the action coming from Southern CA and buses from Northern California.  Please fill this form out if you are interested in attending: https://forms.gle/bsFMwtHpTSP92TV98